Introducing the 17th Avenue Apartment building in Portland, OR! This quaint little 19 unit, 4-story building is located in the heart of one of Portland’s most historical neighborhoods. Lots of time, thought, and effort went into the process our architects took to draft this building, which can be seen in the historical reference guide below. While construction for the 17th avenue apartments isn’t scheduled for later this year, the permits have been approved! The style and vibe of this project was to incorporate significant buildings into the design, that way a new building going up in this specific neighborhood would not stick out like a sore thumb. The 17th and couch neighborhood has a strict building code, which Milbrandt architects had to adhere to in the initial design process. Sticking to said code allows a new building to feel right at home when built, and thus encourage the culture of what it means to live on 17th Ave.